Friday, 10 January 2014


Images for my double page spread

I started of by taking images I wanted to use for my double page spread. Due to the fact a double page spread is more in depth and mine is a interview I wanted my artists body language to represent that, this is why I positioned them in a sitting down pose as it makes them look more relaxed. This body language also makes them look more normal and down to earth making them more relatable to my target audience, appropriate for a double page spread but contrasting the body language that should be used for a front cover. I used long full length shots, to show their body language, and asked them to pull different facial expressions from natural facial expressions(looking as though they are talking to one another), serious facial expression with eye contact at the camera, or smiling while keeping eye contact with the camera again.

Next I changed from the body language of sitting on the floor to sitting on a couch, this still gives a more down to earth and relatable vibe in the image, it also looks very student like relating to my target audience, like friends sitting on a normal couch, not fancy or anything. I chose to make them sit on the couch as sitting on the floor looked more child like. The poses varied from direct eye contact to natural poses just looking at each other, similar to that on the floor.

Finally for my double page spread I took images of the individuals in the band, I done this to represent how because the double page spread will have details and focus on each band member individually therefore the images should show them individually. For these photos I got the artists to pull a serious pose and chose a mid shot, this was so my audience could see props such as a guitar and the costume relating to the genre.

Images for my front cover

For my front cover I chose a very different body language from my double page spread images. I made my artists stand in a strong pose, keeping eye contact with the camera, a important feature for the front cover to draw in readers to buy the magazine. I also took midshots as this is the best shot to use for my front cover. I took these images in a indoor setting against the wall so it would be easy to cut out the background if I wanted that. I also used props such as a guitar to make it obvious it is a music magazine image.

Next for images on my front cover, I chose to change the background, I done this with an outside background could provide prettier scenery, it also helped changing the lighting and how the artists appear, I tried both with and without flash, I prefer the ones with flash as the background is darker and the artists look brighter bringing more focus to the artists. Because it is a front cover image I have again chosen for the artists to stand pulling strong body language. For facial expressions it varied between smiling and a serious pose, but always keeping eye contact as this is a key element for a front cover to draw the audience in. Also when striking their strong poses I took a few photos of them changing levels, in some photos i would make the girl in the centre stand on the wall behind to make her stand higher to show contrast but also took images with the artists all at the same height to show unity.

Change in environment - Video Maker

For my contents page or other features in my magazine

For my contents page I used a different model to just the band, an individual artist, for this I took a variety of midshots, extreme close ups and establishing shots as I wanted to see which would look best as for the contents page Any type of shot can suit it. I also got her to pose with props, musical ones such as  the guitar but also to relate to my genre of old fashioned music I also got her to stand with background images of icons from decades ago such as an image of Audrey Hepburn to give a old fashioned feel to the image.

As well as planned and posed shots I also wanted more natural looking shots for my other features on things like concerts or festivals a more natural image would be better suited. I took mainly midshots and establishing shots to show the atmosphere as well as the artist. I took this images at real live performances.

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