Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Evaluation- Who would be the audience for your media product?

I used my screen recorder to answer the question; Who would be the audience for your media product?
because of research I have done thought the year including my primary audience research and my reader profile I used these and showed them on the screen to demonstrate how I found out who my audience would be for my media product.
In conclusion, they would be young students between the ages of 13-25, most likely female but could be male, they would enjoy things from high street shops such as river island, they would like both younger and artists from older generations as they most likely grew up listening to music their parents like. They would not have much money as they are students so would want to see things about job opportunities, or deals on clothes on concerts and have the magazine sold at a low and reasonable price and not to frequently so they can purchase it, preferably every 6 months, Because they are young they would of grew up around the age of social networks so majority of teenagers will be on multiple social networks therefore I should make my magazine a multi-platform one to relate to my target audience with accounts of networks such as twitter or Facebook so they can get more information on the magazine and I can relate to them with new videos which may be featured on Youtube, keeping up to date with my audience.

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